IoT’s Transformative Effect on Fintech

Shaikh N
3 min readOct 19, 2023

You may have heard the term “Internet of Things” (IoT) before, but not fully grasped what it means or how it relates to fintech. IoT refers to the growing network of internet-connected devices that can collect and share data. This data can provide valuable insights for businesses, including those in the financial sector.

In this article, we’ll explore how IoT is transforming fintech in exciting ways. Keep reading to learn more!

How IoT Enables New Fintech Capabilities

IoT in Fintech opens up new possibilities by providing more data points and connectivity. With IoT sensors and devices, companies can gain insights into customer behavior, risks, operations, and more.

For example, IoT-connected home appliances could monitor household energy use. This data could help fintech lenders assess credit risks more accurately when underwriting loans. The IoT data provides greater visibility into household costs and cash flow.

Insurance providers also benefit from IoT data. Sensors in cars can track driving habits, allowing insurers to price policies based on real driver behavior. Home IoT devices can monitor for water leaks, fires, or break-ins. This allows insurers to understand risk levels and offer usage-based insurance.

IoT in fintech companies to develop highly customized, innovative products catered to each customer. The depth of data provides more personalization.

Improving Financial Inclusion

Lack of traditional financial transaction data has made it difficult for unbanked or underbanked individuals to qualify for financial products. IoT data helps fill these gaps.

For example, agricultural workers may have irregular incomes depending on crop yields. IoT farm sensors could provide detailed data on inputs, weather, and estimated yields. This gives lenders greater confidence in underwriting loans.

Utility payment history also helps demonstrate creditworthiness. IoT-connected prepaid utility meters can capture this data. Bill payment text reminders and notices can be sent to feature phones. This extends digital financial access.

Streamlining Operations

IoT improves efficiency for financial institutions in various ways. Smart buildings outfitted with occupancy sensors, temperature controls, and security systems help optimize energy use and real estate costs.

Inventory management sensors provide real-time counts. They can trigger automatic reorders when stocks run low to avoid shortages. This helps keep operations running smoothly.

Sensors also enhance equipment maintenance. Critical machines can be monitored 24/7 for any signs of failure or suboptimal performance. Preventative maintenance becomes more predictive vs. reactive.

Enhancing Security

As fintech relies more on connectivity, IoT strengthens defenses. Biometric wearables enable multi-factor authentication for mobile banking and payments. RETINA scans, fingerprints, and facial recognition provide security convenient for users.

IoT monitoring also deters fraud and cyber threats. A spike in activity would trigger alerts to investigate. GPS tracking of company assets provides visibility if equipment is misplaced or stolen.

Regulators are also encouraging biometrics and heightened security to protect consumers. IoT devices make these measures seamless while improving the customer experience.

The Future with IoT

IoT is still in its early phases, with exponential growth expected. New applications will emerge as connectivity and data insights expand. Fintech will continue innovating to harness its full potential.

We may see “smart accounts” leveraging AI to provide money management insights. For example, analyzing cash flow patterns to recommend saving and spending levels. Or predicting upcoming expenses based on connected appliance sensor data.

Voice-activated assistants will deliver personalized financial guidance. They can answer natural language questions and provide recommendations tailored to each user.

The possibilities are endless. While promising, risks around data security and privacy will need addressing. Overall, IoT will be transformative for consumers and businesses in financial services and beyond.


IoT represents an enormous opportunity for fintech innovation and enhanced experiences. As more devices come online, companies can leverage the expertise of IoT app development companies and data to better understand customers, model risks, streamline operations, and secure systems. Ultimately, IoT will help fintech deliver more value. The future is bright as connectivity unlocks new solutions!

